2020 Project Overview
How did we do on our project goals for 2020? Find out below as I share our 2020 project overview.
Now that we’re fresh into a new year, I wanted to look back and share our 2020 project overview and see how we came out on all of our project goals we set at the beginning of the year. It’s no secret, we had a lot of projects on our agenda and we had high hopes that we’d be able to complete all of them. But even if we didn’t completely finish the list, we’re still happy with all the progress we’ve made on the house.
And, oh ya, we had a baby too, which just about changes everything!
2020 Project Overview
1. New Garage Doors: Complete
Mark this one off the list! We had our new garage doors installed at the start of 2020 and they’ve made a huge difference! Not only is our garage warmer now, but our exterior looks so much better!

2. Remodeling Our Master Bathroom: Complete
I know I haven’t shared it yet, but our master bathroom is complete! I have a few little decor items to add, but for all intents and purposes, this bathroom is finished and we love the end result! Be on the look out for the full reveal soon, and prepare yourself… this is one fabulous before and after!

3. Finish The Kitchen: Almost Complete
We are this close to having the kitchen done and I’m basically dancing my way to the finish line. It’s taken us forever, but with most of the big items needed to finish the kitchen out of the way, 2021 will get the full reveal. I can’t wait to see it all finished, but 2020 was the year of the gorgeous laminate countertops and backsplash, as well as the vertical planking and open shelves.

4. Setting Up The Nursery: Almost Complete
Even though Ania is practically six months old (how is this possible?), we still don’t have her room quite done yet. I blame it on the crazy year we’ve all had and the backorders that were happening right as we were trying to finish her room before she was born. I have just a few little decor items to finish up in her room, then I’ll be sharing the full reveal. The wall moulding has made this room into something special.
Even without it being completely finished, we sure love spending time together in her room.

5. Finishing The Hall Bathroom: Almost Complete
We didn’t make any changes to this space this year, but I’m hoping 2021 will be the year we pull it all together. There really isn’t that much left to do.
6. Phase One Of The Downstairs Fireplace: Not Complete
I had high hopes we’d get started on the downstairs living room and fireplace, but it didn’t happen. I’ve been working on the design plan and it looks like 2021 will be the year it finally happens.

7. Installing New Stair Treads: Complete
This project was loooooong overdue, but the day our staircase makeover was finished Todd and I both wanted to dance around the house. The difference they made not only impacted the hallway, but the entire house. Everyone who came over noticed that we’d finally finished this project. Next on the list? A new handrail.

8. Finish Installing Base Trim: Not Complete
Sigh. We’re so close to having this project crossed off the list, but we’re just not there yet. 2021 will be the year!
9. Install The Last Two Interior Doors & Closet Doors: Partially Complete
Well, we finished installing the last two interior doors in the house… but we still need to install the closet doors in all the bedrooms. 2021, anyone?

10. Install A New Light In The Dining Room: Not Complete
Even though we regularly hit our head on the light, we still haven’t changed out the light fixture… but somehow with everything else we’ve had going on, this hasn’t been as much of a priority. I guess we just got used to it? Regardless though, this space came a long way this year with the addition of our customized Ikea Pax cabinet.

11. Install Moulding In The Upstairs Living Room: Not Complete
I knew this would probably be a long shot when I added it to the list, but we didn’t add the moulding. I’d still love to do this project, and it would make a huge difference, but right now we have other things we need to finish first.
12. Install Missing Lighting: Not Complete
Sadly, we haven’t installed the missing lighting in the downstairs basement living room, or in our main living room. Technically, we’re not hurting for the lights since we mainly use lamp lighting at night, but the ceiling fixtures sure would make a big difference overall. This will be another 2021 project.

13. Laundry Room Progress: Not Complete
This was another long shot project for the year, but it’s becoming more of a priority in 2021. It’s time to finally have countertops. And cabinet pulls.
14. Landscaping: Almost Complete
Even though I say “almost complete”, this project is basically done other that us adding plants in the spring. We spent the majority of our summer outside working on landscaping. Todd did most of the work, but I helped where I could. Not only did we install an entire garden with garden boxes, but Todd also finished installing our backyard sprinkler system and we had grass growing in time for us to enjoy it! This was a big project and we’re so happy to have it done.

15. Setting Up The Back Patio: Partially Complete
First, let me just say how nice it is having such a nice, big back patio. We enjoyed it a lot this year! For my birthday in August, Todd bought me a new patio set and we added a new outdoor table this fall. Is this space finished? Not yet… but it’s closer than we’ve ever been! There’s a few missing pieces to add before calling it done. More of this space coming in 2021!
16. Installing A Privacy Fence: Not Complete
Again, this was another long shot project that didn’t get done. We’ll see what 2021 brings for this project.
17. Organizing: Partially Complete
I’m not sure if I’d ever call this project done, but we did make a good deal of progress. It’s hard not having very much storage space in the house, but I’ve been getting creative and doing my best to purge and donate what we’re not using. I did several little projects this year, like organizing my hot tea collection and organizing under the kitchen sink. More organizing to come in 2021.

There you have it, our 2020 project overview. Looking back on our project goals, I can honestly say I feel pretty good about everything. Even though 2020 was such a challenging, unknown year, we made great progress and we’re certainly seeing the results of our hard work. The best project of 2020 though, will always be Ania. She made 2020 a great year for us.
Next week I’ll be sharing our project goals for 2021. We have such a fun year of projects planned and ready to start! I’m looking forward to watching this house transform even more and finally revealing several spaces we’ve been working on. It’s about time, right?!
I have enjoyed every minute of your projects. Been following you a long time. Love love everything. Excited to see new projects
Thank you so much, Nancy! I’m so happy you’ve enjoyed our projects! We’ve come a long way and this year will bring even more projects and transformations! 🙂