DIY Handmade Wood Chargers

Remember our Thanksgiving Table Setting? Well, one of my favorite things about it was our DIY Handmade Wood Chargers.

Words can’t describe how much I absolutely love them!

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

They’re different and simple and amazing and just enough…

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

And might I mention that they’re easy to make?

We started with a 24″ wide x 48″ long piece of birch wood…

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

Then I decided on the shape and size of the charger. I wanted to use as much of the board as possible, so I had Anthony cut it in half width wise and then in thirds length wide. We ended up with 8 12″ x 12″ chargers….

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

From there, I used one of my favorite cutting boards to use as a template on the corners…

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

I simply made sure both sides were even, then traced the edge with a pencil…

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

Then I used our jig saw to cut off the edges…

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

Once all the edges were cut, I used 80 grit sandpaper to round everything off…

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

Then, I wiped down all the boards with cheesecloth and stained them with Provincial by Minwax…

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

After they dried, I gave them another wipe down and brought them inside…

I’m pretty much in love with them… They remind me of cutting boards, and we all know how I feel about those!

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

DIY Handmade Wood Chargers by The Wood Grain Cottage

Obviously, these weren’t made to have direct contact with food, but I still love them! They’re perfect for a charger!

…And I’m sure I will have no problem finding a few other uses for them…

Shayna | The Wood Grain Cottage

Pssst…- I originally posted these with my Thanksgiving Table Setting, but they’re much easier to find if they have their own post! 🙂


  1. Oh girl…they’re perfect! I bet, you can’t wait to use them for Thanksgiving:) I totally love ’em…big time, HUGE!!!
    Blessings & <3

  2. Very nice. I LOVE the bowl you used!! Perhaps because that is our formal ‘china’. We had so much fun collecting it years ago. Looks GREAT with your charger!!!!

  3. So amazingly beautiful!! I am wanting to make some, and I was wondering how thick your birch wood was? Was is a Home Depot purchase? Thanks!!

  4. Hello! I’m throwing thanksgiving this year for the family, and NEEEEEEEEEED these! This plus wood slice name card holders are going to be STELLER!! I was just wondering how thick your birch board was? Thanks!!!

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