Adding Meaning To Our Home

I think we can all say that there are items in our home that have been handed down by family members, or things that have a special meaning to us. Over time we are bound to collect them.

Once upon a time, I thought that “new” was way better than old. I would much rather have something from the store that was brand new, than something that was “new” to me. I had a closed mind. But as I’ve gotten older, I find that I cherish items that have been given to me by family members. I’ve become attached to items in our home that hold a special memory or meaning to us and I’m drawn to items that have their own story, items that I consider to be beautiful.

Now, please don’t get me wrong by thinking that I’m a collector of old & vintage things just because they are old and vintage. That’s just not me. Everything that we’ve put on “display” in our home is considered to be useful and beautiful. Anthony would probably say the same thing, although he wouldn’t probably describe it like that! But, he certainly is compassionate about items from his past & present that hold a special meaning to him.

The other day I began noticing that I had, for the first time ever, starting sprinkling meaningful items throughout our home. They make me happy. And they make us feel like it’s our home. Why not put them out to enjoy?

So, today I’m showing you items that hold a special meaning to us- all for very different reasons.

Since we just moved in, I’ve finally started to add pictures throughout our house. Recently, I was given several pictures of my sweet grandparents when they were young and first married. Because my grandma died when my mom was 7 years old, I’ve never met her. Pictures like this make my heart happy. And the German Shepherd is a major part in our life. 🙂

Pictures As Meaningful Item I The Wood Grain Cottage

No too long after the pictures, I acquired several items from my dad’s grandma and my great grandma. She’s in the nursing home and her kids decided to let the family pick items to keep from their belongings.

I chose several things, but today I’m showing the blanket that I brought home.

It’s quite possibly my most favorite blanket in the house. It’s warm, fuzzy and stretchy, which makes it excellent to wrap up in.

White Blanker I The Wood Grain Cottage

And the texture is pure luscious-ness!

White Blanker I The Wood Grain Cottage

Anthony’s had his skeleton keys since he was little, so I created a DIY artwork to show them off.  It’s perfect for the entryway.

Skeleton Wall Art I The Wood Grain Cottage

Anthony’s also had this secretary since he was a boy. Believe it or not, he did his homework on it throughout school. We gave it a face lift and it currently sits in our living room/ entry.

Painted Secretary I The Wood Grain Cottage

A couple weeks ago I added new canisters to the kitchen and picked out a font that reminded me of my grandma’s handwriting for the vinyl. Oh happy day!

New Canisters I The Wood Grain Cottage

So that’s what we have so far, but I thought it would be fun to spend the rest of February showing how easy it is to add meaningful items throughout the home. They don’t have to be big items, or items that were given to us, they just have to be meaningful. Easy enough, right?

At the end of the month, I’ll include everything in one post.

In the mean time, try sprinkling a few meaningful items throughout your home. It’ll make you feel happy! 🙂

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