Merry Christmas!

Hi friends! Sorry for my absence this last week. I wasn’t intending on it, but one thing led to another, and each day seemed to fly by faster than the previous one! Plus, I figured I should probably do some Christmas shopping since I had done absolutely zero. Whew!

I hope you’re doing fabulous and enjoying this amazing Holiday season. Between getting ready for the Vintage Whites Market, which is January 9th & 10th (Yikes), finishing projects, and enjoying all the Christmas traditions that we do as a family, this has been a busy time of year for us.

And, I had to make time to decorate cookies…

Christmas Cookies by The Wood Grain Cottage

Especially little stockings for Anthony and I…

Christmas Cookies by The Wood Grain Cottage

And, other than Christmas cookies… I have so much to share with you next week! Most everything that we have built it finished and ready to be loaded. I also have chairs to show you, furniture that’s been re-finished and a whole bunch of new designs that Anthony and I have been working on. They’re all finished and ready for their debut. I’m thinking, next week will be fun for some new product shoots, and lots of picture staging. Looking forward to it!

Also, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Anthony and I are hosting Christmas Eve for my family this evening and I have a busy day of baking and cooking ahead of me. 🙂

And, one more thing, I want to THANK YOU for reading my blog and stopping by to see what we have new to share. You are the best and I appreciate you more than you will ever know!

Talk soon! 😀

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  1. Merry Christmas to you & Anthony! Hope you have a wonderful family time tonight. Can wait to see what you have new to share!

  2. Merry Christmas you little busy bee 😀 I can’t wait to see all the things you and Anthony have been making. I’m very impatient sometimes 😀 so have a wonderful party and I will be back next week. Sincerely, Diena Cameron <3

  3. Love your blog Shayna! Enjoy your time with your family. We will all be here anticipating the new year and what you’ll bring us in 2015. You’re blog is great and I always love coming to visit to see what’s new! 🙂

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