Husband VS Wife Styling Competition
If you enjoyed our post on Wednesday, you’re going to love this one!
After I asked Anthony all of those questions, I knew I wanted to put him to the ultimate blogging test… styling something. I mean, that’s one thing us bloggers know how to do best. We style stuff.
So, that’s what he did, and we have a little Husband VS Wife Styling competition going on… And I have to say he did absolutely amazing!
If you remember right, the last question of our q&a was all about him defining his own style…
What would you say your style is, and how does it differ from Shayna’s style?
My style is rustic, and I like stained wood. Shayna likes to paint everything when it should be stained, or stay natural.
I kind of knew what to expect from him, but honestly…. he did so good!
Before I get into the actual styling, I want to say how incredible my husband is…. he not only supports me 110%, but he follows me on any new adventure, always with intention. He makes this blog possible, I know I say that a lot, but it’s absolutely true. Antz, this wouldn’t happen without you.
So here we go with this styling competition. Our only rule: Use a lamp. I even let him pick the dresser we’d both style…
Here’s his styling… he could go pro.
It was fun to see him search the house for his décor… He’d say, “I need some of that greenery stuff”, or “I need a vase”… totally priceless.
And of course, he had to use deer antlers. That wasn’t a surprise… or his duck lamp, which he specifically requested for this project.
He made me search through a few boxes in the basement, and once I found it, his face lit up with the most sincere smile. You see, this duck lamp was on his nightstand growing up. It holds special meaning to him. He says it’s one of his most treasured items.
So I knew, it would be center stage for his styling….
But I didn’t expect him to remove his current nightstand lamp and replace it with this one…
Well played, Anthony…
Well played.
And for his final styling element… he brought in our pup, saying he was his finishing touch…
That sounds about right. Even Drake loved the duck lamp…
Which also didn’t surprise me, because his favorite anything is a duck.
It seems to run in the family.
And to that I say, well played Mr. Duck lamp. Well played. We’ll see if you stay on the nightstand. 🙂
Now, to show you my styled dresser, which doesn’t have as fun of a story…
I used the same lamp that I always keep on this dresser, it just fits this space so well, and it’s gorgeous to look at. It’s from JCPennys.
Next, I added in some old books I found at an estate sale a while ago… They’re beautiful, and the perfect colors.
I added the pretty Mexican Lavender, which I LOVE…
Side note, have you been to Sprouts lately? They have lots of this variety of lavender, and several other beautiful plants. 🙂
The next, and final element, was the lovely wood framed mirror that I scored from American Furniture Warehouse (I don’t see it listed on their website). I fell in love the second I spotted it.
So there’s our styled dresser… two different ways, two different design thoughts… I think I’ll keep them both. And maybe the duck lamp. 🙂
Overall, I have absolutely loved this series. Seeing Anthony decorate the dresser was absolutely fun… and even better, I loved him coming home and noticing how *I* decorated the dresser. He approved.
And that means everything.
Next, stop by Liz from Love Grows Wild. She put her husband to the ultimate “blogger husband” challenge. I think he probably passed, proving, farmers can decorate too!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this as much as we have. 🙂
Great job to both of you.
Maybe combine a few.pieces of each style??
I would use your lamp, Anthony’s industrial “O”,.your books, smaller antlers(although I don’t use them, I do like how others make the work) and maybe Anthony’s vase with olive branches or twigs.
Kudos to Anthony for being such a good sport.
I’m enjoying reading his perspective
Well done both of you! What a hoot! So nice to challenge each other and have fun! Enjoyed immensely!
You both did a fantastic job. And I love your pup. He is precious.
His was nice, but yours was more proportional. Keep at it! 🙂
Anthony and Jeremy both did a great job. It was fun seeing their side of it.
You two work well together and I know you both had fun. Good job, Anthony.
I LOVED reading this! Your husband is a great sport, and it makes me happy that he is such a great support for you. I think all that warrants letting him keep the duck lamp out! 🙂
Oh Shayna, the “duck lamp” has to stay there now. You know that right? hehe
Good job Anthony, you are a smart man.
I have so much respect for the very crafty way you managed to get that duck back in the house.
And getting Duke in on it? That is a two against one vote.
Are either of the cats female Shayna?
You both did a great job. It was great to hear Anthony’s view.
Lovin the duck lamp, very unique! I vote A+ on both designs. Shayna I like how you placed the mirror, never would have thought of that. Life’s too short, let the ducky stay ❤️
My hubby and I do not have matching pieces beside our sides of the bed so although I do the styling, I keep his bird he likes that is ceramic but is a bit quirky how it’s looking over its shoulder! The legs are longer like a robin and even leave marks on his top leather book!! And he gets a small square framed photo taken at our wedding. He’s sentimental. I have different things too but because our dressers. Have identical lamps and antique frames with antiqued mirrors behind them, we can get away with differing decor. I think you can too because your dresser/night stands are identical, then your items, not even lamps must be so matchy-matchy. I rather think it’s sweet he used his lamp balanced with a vase, greenery and an initial!!!
Haha, the duck lamp makes me smile…my husband went through a such stage. I think he and Anthony would hit it off. Love this challenge…it’s fun to see how the guys style things. I think Anthony did well but to be honest, your style is more me. Lol. Although the dog is a nice finishing touch! 🙂
Love this idea! Both styles look great 🙂
My Dad has a lamp just like the duck lamp! I think I’ll be stealing that for my own house! Thanks for the idea Anthony!
I absolutely love this new series! Keep it up!
It really enjoyed reading this post and Liz’s post! Fun!
*I 🙂