Dining Room Table Plans

Is it weird that I already know what I want for Christmas? Because I totally do. In fact, I’ve already placed my order.

Yep, on top of everything else my hubby has to do, I’ve placed my order for a new dining room table.

I was a bit thrilled and really shocked that he didn’t totally dismiss the my idea the second it left my mouth.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

Trestle Table(Source)

Stunning, right?

He could even build it like this if he wanted too!

Trestle Table(Source)

Either way, I think they’re completely lovely. And because Anthony is a welder by trade, he’ll get to use his skills and build the frame and ends out of metal.

Just like our laundry room table, I’m planning on doing a thick wood top. The only thing that I have left to decide is the stain.  I can’t decide if I should do a fruitwood stain (much like the first picture) or a white wash pickling, which looks like this:


I’m sure I’ll have to play around with it once we have the wood ready and the table built.

In the mean time, I’m enjoying these pictures… which only make me even more excited!

Trestle Table 2(Source)


Trestle Table 3(Source)

Trestle Table 4(Source)

Trestle Table 5(Source)

I am so excited about it. But I know what you’re thinking… What’s wrong with our current dining room table?

The answer is: Nothing! We bought it when the house was finished. I’ve always like it, but I’m super in love with the idea of having a hand built dining room table by my hubby. How cool is that?

Plus, the dining room is getting ready to have a whole bunch of changes. It still looks the same as before, but only because everything that I want to do takes planning and building by my hubby. Remember my plan for the dining room shelving? It’s still happening too. Now, I’m trying to figure out what color to stain the wood for the shelving. I don’t want anything to matchy matchy.

I can’t wait!

Shayna | The Wood Grain Cottage


    1. I can’t wait to see it either… I’m practically giddy about it! I’m totally telling my hubby what you said too… I tell him daily, but I don’t think he believes me anymore! 😉

  1. Sounds awesome! My hubby made end tables for our living room for me…both a tad different and exactly what I wanted…and I agree…I love them so much more knowing they were made with love for me!

    1. I can’t wait… I get super excited thinking that we’ll be using a table he made! Love that! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Shannan! I am so excited about it… Generally anything home related is at the top of my list too!
      I’m leaning toward the pickling too… 🙂

    1. THANK YOU so much, Alice! I am really looking forward to it!
      And I might sweet talk him into making one for you too… You might have to smile real big! 😉

  2. oh! so nice that your hubby is going to make a gorgeous table for you Shayna! 🙂 lucky girl 🙂
    I can’t wait to see and what a beautiful Christmas gift it will be for you! 🙂 those inspiration pictures are gorgeous! & yes I remember about your plans for the dining room shelving 🙂
    wish you a beautiful weekend Shayna!

    1. THANK YOU Ingrid! I am a lucky girl! I can’t wait to see the finished results… I’m just giddy about it! 🙂
      Have a great weekend!

  3. Ok, WE must have been seperated at birth!!! Lol;) We just invested in a beautiful dinning table…similar style… I’m saving for a sette next, as we have a bench with two end chairs right now!!! It was my Valentines present this year. Looking forward to seeing the end results…blessings & <3
    xo M

      1. Yes, a settee* AND dining* room…darn spell check! Btw: did I tell you; it is made from reclaimed “hemlock”…the detail is beautiful! YOU would love it, Wood Grain Gal:) xo M

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