House Update: Garage Door

Who knew that someone could love a garage door as much as I love ours? I certainly wouldn’t have thought I would ever actually stand in front of a garage door and proclaim my love for it. But, that actually happened. In private. (Without contractors.)

First, let me say that I typically think garage doors are blah. They lack personality and character and I generally don’t like the window design on the door. I’m weird.

In fact, I dislike garage doors so much, that I didn’t want to see it on the front of my house. Again, I’m weird.

So when I say that I really love our garage door, it’s deep.

My inspiration started with these beauties:


I loved everything about the doors. The hardware. The design. The plain glass windows. The craftsman look. The lighting. It’s all great.

So why not mimic the look? We went for it!

Here’s our version:

I decided to add the additional hardware and I’m so glad that I did. It completely dresses up the door. I can’t wait to add flower pots on each side too.

Here’s a little close up detail and a sneak peak at our outdoor lighting! Love.

Because the original door that I liked was out of our price range, I picked one with similar detail and design for a much cheaper price.

We are totally diggin’ it!

What’s your take on garage doors? Do they bother you too, or is it just me?


  1. awesome garage door. And a nice idea to change the garage door with a cheaper one but according to me it is looking way better then the garage door you have not bought. Stills are really magical they convince me to think twice about if my garage door become old.

    1. Hi Danette! Thank you for the comment. I wish that I could tell you where we got the hardware, but they came with the garage door when we ordered it. However, I do know that you can buy garage door hardware kits from a home improvement store.
      I hope that helps…

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