House Update: Drywall Part Four
I’ve been missing for a while, but you’ve probably already noticed that. I’ve been a bit of a slacker, and I completely admit it. It’s not that we haven’t seen some massive amounts of progress these past weeks, because it’s amazing what’s been accomplished, but combine computer issues (insert sad face here) with a whole lot of painting, plus a few problems and that equals one stressed out busy lady.
But, good for you because a lot of updates are coming your way this week. Put your boots on and get ready!
Last update I left you with some major drywall progress:
But, add some drywall mud, texture, primer AND Paint, this is what you get:
Believe it or not, but the house is completely painted, minus a few last minute touch ups which will happen as soon as the workers are gone.
From this view you can get a better idea of the color I chose throughout the kitchen and living area. It’s such a delightfully soft gray brown color (more info on our paint colors soon). We’re totally loving it!
The dining room… which isn’t painted in this picture. I guess I forgot to take a picture of it… woops!
Guest bedroom, painted in a lovely gray tan color. It’s the hubby favorite color in the house.
Laundry room. This is such a fun color and I love it! It’s kind of greenish, but blueish at the same time. The perfect kind of color.
Master Bedroom. With a perfect ladder shot, eh? Sorry bout that.
The color. It’s purdy. When I first painted it, I was positive my old khaki pants were being slathered on the walls. Then it dried and Mr. Sun made it a gray green tan color. Love!
Master Bathroom, with a sneak peek inside the shower. Let me just declare my undying love for this color. In fact, I loved it so much that I painted it in multiple rooms.
Here’s another view of the bathroom:
Surprisingly, this is pretty true to the actual color.
The office. With another sneak peek… I won’t tell you where these go, only that you’ll see them soon. I hope the suspense won’t be too much to handle. 🙂
And just like that were ready for flooring! The wood flooring and tile are basically done (I told you I’ve been a slacker…) and the carpet is being installed at 8:30 this morning. Whoa!
What do you think of the progress? And the paint colors? It’s great to see the finishing touches coming together… it makes it feel like home! Which is a truly great feeling!
Stay tuned this week for some more big updates! Our happy moving day is getting closer.