Christmas Shelves- AKA- My Mantle

You may remember that when we built our kitchen shelves all I could think about was decorating them for Christmas. Needless to say, I was quite the happy lady when it was time to decorate.  Ah, the joy!

I think I still might be floating on a cloud.

Admittedly, I did struggle with narrowing down my theme for this year. I soaked in so much inspiration that I wanted to include it all. That probably wouldn’t have turned out so great… Finally, I decided on a classic Christmas color duo: Silver & Gold. The only problem with my theme is that every time I say it in my head, I start singing the “Silver & Gold” song from Rudolf. Wait, that may not be that bad of a problem…  With the Silver & Gold, I decided to incorporate as much of nature as possible. That’s where its at. I’m nature inspired!

Let me also admit that I’m cheap. Like, I seriously didn’t want to buy a single thing, cheap. And for the most part, I really didn’t. I get a great thrill from re-using things we already have.

Because we don’t have a mantle, these shelves pose as mine instead.


For one of my “nature” aspects, I decided to make my own frosted trees from sticks I found outside. Stay tuned for the tutorial. They turned out lovely!


Honestly, saying that I love these trees is a HUGE understatement. I’m pretty sure they were the only thing I could talk about for two days. Feel sorry for my glitter hating husband…

Since I couldn’t get enough of my frosted trees, I decided to draw one on a little chalkboard too. (Seriously, I could have done a better job erasing my previous drawing… Make me feel better and pretend you don’t see that, okay?)


Again, those trees. AKA, my new best friends.


I had a lot of fun playing with different textures too. I really like how the soft, hard, fluffy and sleek textures all come together.




For the top shelf, I made a REALLY easy wreath from cotton balls and jingle bells, tutorial coming soon! It couldn’t be more lovely. And the textures are stunning combined with the tumbleweed branches from outside.


Practically perfect with a couple of DIY frosted pine cones beside it. Tutorial coming soon.





I can’t wait to show you the rest of our house! And stay tuned for several new tutorials!

blue & green signature

Linking up to:

A Bowl Full Of Lemons

Home Stories A to Z

Thrifty Decor Chick

The Lettered Cottage

DIY Showoff

House of Hepworths

The 36th Avenue

Southern Hospitality


    1. Thank you Ellora! I love my little trees, and I totally didn’t know about the ones at target until I went the other day! I guess they really are a brilliant idea! 😉

  1. I love your white shelvey mantel! Its beautiful. I’m a very new blogger so its lovely peeking at some seasoned bloggers and your gorgeous Christmas Style 🙂

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